Pressure Screenwriter Production Journal


I assisted with adjustments to set (closing doors, moving other things, keeping people out of shots)

I implemented off-screen dialogue(collaboration With Jordan).

I formatted the shooting script to its most effective usability.

Contribution to the shooting script

original shooting script
changes are marked with an asterisk and bold text

I made changes to how I labeled the type of shots needed so it was easier to follow while shooting

I made changes to my dialogue(on-site re-write heading for more details)

I took out a couple shots that we deemed unneeded as a team.

Challenges faced during shooting

team members being absent

lost footage of shots 1-3

the reshoots turning out bad

On-Site re-Writes during production

original off-screen dialogue

I decided during filming that I should change my dialogue to make it more specific to what is happening in the shots

Assistance Given to Director

doing small tasks on Trello, tracking sheet, etc, keeping track of daily tasks, keeping up on due dates

What I learned

I learned that having one person in control of the most important roles does not work out too well when they are absent a few times during production.

another thing I learned is that just because someone is experienced in a role does not mean they are good at that role.

I got some new software experience using Celtx, because this was my first time being a screen writer

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